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Global Agile Marketing Blog

July 30, 2024

Where Are The Best Global Agile Marketing Examples?

Agile started in the United States with the Agile Manifesto in 2001 and spread in adoption from developers to other parts of the business such as HR and marketing. Agile Marketing has become adopted and used across the United States. But where besid…

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April 29, 2024

Agile Marketing Principles

To keep up with the speed and complexity of marketing today, we are adopting a different mindset and new ways of working. The principles elaborate on the agile marketing values. Great marketing requires close alignment, transparency, and quality …

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March 22, 2024

Agile Marketing Manifesto Values

To keep up with the speed and complexity of marketing today, we are adopting new ways of working: 1 Focusing on customer value and business outcomes over activity and outputs    2 Delivering value ear…

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